Mike Williams Solutions

Dynamic Impact


Strategies that work

Our aim is dynamic impact. We start with an in-depth assessment of needs and assets. Then we look at internal capacity (organization) and the best marketing opportunity. We use those findings to recommend Strategy and action, to maximize the bottom line.

Our method runs through all of work, including Consulting, Coaching, Training, and Messaging. That's how we create the possibility of dynamic impact, not just improvement.  

We are serious about getting individuals, companies and organizations to their highest level, however they see it. We started out with Consulting, where we helped strategize and plan their way to success, short-term and long-term.

Later, we introduced Coaching, to help clients really dig in and get fully organized to effectively execute, get thigs done. Plans too often gather dust. So, we zeroed in on habits and practices that were interfering with progress. We got them on track. 

Training emerged as a way of shifting culture, focused on mindset, to enhance skill set. And we designed workshops that created breakthroughs. The built-in interactions and the workshop process helpeds get everyone on the same page.   

The work that Les Brown and I were doing for decades with Public Speakers has also shown value for professionals in other fields. We created a powerful Workshop Experience, providing an opportunity for growth in real time. It is the heart of the cutting-edge work we began decades ago.

Nowadays, Messaging (Content) has resurfaced as an area of concentration. It was how we attracted our first clients. We are returning to the Messsaging that began in broadcasting and work on various campaigns and projects.

Crafting messages for Community Awareness, and Publishing, including current and future books, brings us full circle. We are embracing Messaging for a variety of situations, needs, and media. And we are excited about it!!

The extension of our work in publishing The Road to Your Best Stuff 2.0, also reflects the role of Messaging for various applications and projects. This means creating, producing and/or assisting a variety of others in their efforts to give voice to their own projects or ventures, getting their "stuff" into the marketplace.     

We look at situations from all angles, including problems and opportunities, to help map each client's road to higher and sustained success. And we're always aimed at dynamic impact, not just improvement. We help clients connect and maximize those connections, paving the road ahead, wherever that road is.

We get to know the blind spots and the hidden opportunities. And the better we know strengths, weaknesses, habits and priorities the better we can identify the best moves. Ignorance hurts. Knowledge is power. And self-knowledge provides a power too often overlooked.

We're serious about the road ahead. Join us, to power up your future!


talking on the phoneConsulting

Training Session


Lady Being Coached


Business Consulting

About us 

The Road to Your Best Stuff 2.0

Mike's New Book

Take steps today to strengthen your future.
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